Items where Author is "Pantiwati, Yuni"

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Number of items: 16.


Maghfiroh, Adinda Zahwatun and Pantiwati, Yuni and Husamah, H. and Permana, Tutut Indria and Fauzi, Ahmad (2024) Correlation between belief in science and belief in pseudoscience in high school students. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 17 (1). pp. 164-171.

Pantiwati, Yuni and Kusniarti, Tuti and Permana, Fendy Hardian and Nurrohman, Endrik and Sari, Tasya Novian Indah (2023) The Effects of The Blended Project-Based Literacy that Integrates School Literacy Movement Strengthening Character Education Learning Model on Metacognitive Skills, Critical Thinking, and Opinion Expression. European Journal of Educational Research, 12 (1). pp. 145-158. ISSN 2165-8714

Pantiwati, Yuni and Kusniarti, Tuti and Permana, Fendy Hardian and Nurrohman, Endrik and Amin, Astuti Muh and Sari, Tasya Novian Indah (2022) Knowledge and Thinking Skills in Li-Pro-GP Model of Instruction. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 11 (4). pp. 762-774. ISSN 2303-288X

Pantiwati, Yuni and Prihanta, Wahyu and Nurrohman, Endrik (2022) An Analysis On The Concept Comprehension Skill Through The Two-Tier Multiple Choice In Online Assessment. JEP (Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan), 6 (2). pp. 128-135. ISSN 2579-860X

Pantiwati, Yuni and Permana, Fendy Hardian and Kusniarti, Tuti and Sari, Tasya Novian Indah and Nurrohman, Endrik (2022) Application of the Li-Pro-GP learning model to improve students' conceptual understanding and creativity of environmental pollution. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 15 (1). pp. 159-168. ISSN 2614-3984

Salsabilla, Amira and Wahyuni, Sri and Pantiwati, Yuni and Susetyarini, Eko and Hindun, Iin and Husamah, H. (2022) Basic teaching skills of prospective teacher students based on the TBLA (Transcript Based Lesson Analysis) communication pattern at SMP Muhammadiyah 02 Batu. Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 10 (2). pp. 237-251.

Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir and ikhtira, Dilla and Nuryady, Moh. and Pantiwati, Yuni and Nurwidodo, N. and Husamah, H. (2021) The Medicinal Plant Potential Parts and Species Diversity as Antipyretic: Ethnobotany Study at Senduro Lumajang. The Medicinal Plant Potential Parts and Species Diversity as Antipyretic: Ethnobotany Study at Senduro Lumajang, 2353 (1). 30018-1-30018-8.

Salsabila Muninda, Yasmine and Pantiwati, Yuni and Purwanti, Elly and Indria Permana, Tutut (2021) "Liver as Excretory Organ": Developing Android-Based Flash Learning Media for Middle School Students. Research and Development in Education (Raden), 1 (2). pp. 86-97. ISSN 2809-3216

Hidayati, Devi Nur and Sulistyani, Nawang and Pantiwati, Yuni (2020) Analisis kesalahan penyelesaian soal cerita Matematika HOTS berdasarkan Teori Newman pada siswa kelas V SD. Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru, 1 (1). pp. 39-50. ISSN 2746-2455

Permana, Fendy Hardian and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Chamisijatin, Lise and Zaenab, Siti and Pantiwati, Yuni and Sulistiarini, Dwi (2020) Pembelajaran Klasifikasi Kladogram Dengan Metode Taksimetri Untuk Mempelajari Kekerabatan Tanaman Genus Tillandsia & Neoregelia. JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran), 6 (1). pp. 28-40. ISSN P-ISSN 2443-1591 E-ISSN 2460-0873

Hardian Permana, Fendy and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Chamisijatin, Lise and Zaenab, Siti and Pantiwati, Yuni and Sulistiarini, Dwi (2020) Pembelajaran Klasifikasi Kladogram Dengan Metode Taksimetri Untuk Mempelajari Kekerabatan Tanaman Genus Tillandsia & Neoregelia. JINOP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran), 6 (1). pp. 28-40. ISSN P-ISSN : 24431591 E-ISSN : 24600873

Husamah, H. and Miftachul Hudha, Atok and Pantiwati, Yuni (2018) Pendampingan Guru SMPN 8 Kota Malang dalam Mengembangkan Perilaku Etis Siswa Model Pembelajaran OIDDE. International Journal of Community Service Learning, 2 (2). pp. 41-50. ISSN 2549-6417

Husamah, H. and Miftachul Hudha, Atok and Pantiwati, Yuni (2017) OIDDE Learning Model Through Integrated Field Studies Abroad to Develop Ethnical Decision Skills of Candidate Biology Teachers: Indonesian Perspective. Educational Process International Journal, 6 (4). pp. 7-19. ISSN 2564-8020

Yustyan, Septy and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Pantiwati, Yuni (2015) Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dengan Pembelajaran Berbasis Scientific Approach Siswa Kelas X Sma Panjura Malang. JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 1 (2). pp. 23-32. ISSN 2527-6204

Adiqka Putri, Novita and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Pantiwati, Yuni (2015) Perbedaan model pembelajaran open inquiry dan guided inquiry berdasarkan kemandirian belajar dan berfikir tingkat tinggi pada mata pelajaran biologi kelas 11 MAN Tempursari–Ngawi. JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 1 (1). pp. 27-34. ISSN 2527-6204

Book Section / Proceedings

Pantiwati, Yuni and Permana, Fendy Hardian and Kusniarti, Tuti (2020) The Relationship between Capability Dimension and Cognitive Dimension Ability of Grade VII Middle School Students. In: The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences Education (ICoMSE) 2019. Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education Research for the Challenge of Global Society, 2215 (1). AIP Publishing, Malang, Indonesia, 040010-1-040010-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1968-1

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