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Purwanti, Elly and Fauzi, Ahmad (2017) The Morphological Characteristics of Phaseolus lunatus L. in Different Areas of East Java, Indonesia. In: International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Earth and Environmental Science . IOP Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom. ISBN E-ISSN: 17551307
Purwanti, Elly and Prihanta, Wahyu (2017) Morphological Diversity and Germplasm Conservation Strategies of Phaseolus lunatus L in East Java. In: Proceedings 4th International Conference "The Community Development in ASEAN" (AMCA 2017). Psycology Forum, Philiphines, pp. 238-247.
Rizkiaditama, Dian and Purwanti, Elly and Muizzudin, Muizzudin (2017) Analisis Kadar Klorofil pada Pohon Angsana (Pterocarpus Indicus Willd.) di Kawasan Ngoro Industri Persada (NIP) Ngoro Mojokerto Sebagai Sumber Belajar Biologi. In: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL III TAHUN 2017. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malan, Malang, pp. 287-293.