Items where Division is "Department of Biology Education (84205)" and Year is 2020

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Budiyanto, Moch. Agus Krisno and Aminah, Tien and Husamah, H. (2020) School Strategies to Utilize the Ecotourism Potency of Songgoriti and Cangar of Batu City Tourisms as Learning Sources in High School. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: E-Saintika, 4 (3). pp. 272-283.

Budiyanto, Moch. Agus Krisno and Aminah, Tien and Husamah, H. and Permana, Fendy Hardian and Waluyo, L. (2020) Sitokinin Organik: Pendampingan Kelompok Tani Sumber Urip-1 Desa Wonosari Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang. SASAMBO: JURNAL ABDIMAS (JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE), 2 (3). pp. 143-152. ISSN 2686-519X

Budiyanto, Moch. Agus Krisno and Hadi, Samsun and Aminah, Tien and Husamah, H. (2020) Ecotourism-Based Learning Models in Efforts to Implement Effective Learning: A conceptual research. Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 8 (2). pp. 69-80.


Chamisijatin, Lise and Lestari, Rini Dwi and Husamah, H. and Fauzi, Ahmad and Fatmawati, Diani and Nurhasanah, Siti (2020) Developing Comic of Human Skeletal System and Its Potential in Improving Junior High School Students' Learning Achievement. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8 (12). pp. 6383-6393.


Ermina Sari,, Tiara and Miftachul Hudha, Atok and Wahyono, Poncojari (2020) Biodiversitas dan Kearifan Lokal Tumbuhan Paku pada Masyarakat di Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Raden Soerjo Cangar Kota Batu. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan II Tahun 2016. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, pp. 1003-1009. ISBN 978-979-796-179-4


Fauzi, Ahmad and Husamah, H. and Miharja, Fuad Jaya and Fatmawati, Diani and Permana, Tutut Indria and Hudha, Atok Miftachul (2020) Exploring COVID-19 Literacy Level among Biology Teacher Candidates. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16 (7): em1864.


Hadi, Samsun and Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir and Budiyanto, Moch. Agus Krisno and Husamah, H. (2020) Multidimensional Analysis of Environmental Literacy (Sensitivity, Knowledge, Belief, and Behavior of Environment) of Prospective Teachers. Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 8 (2). pp. 122-138.

Hardian Permana, Fendy and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Chamisijatin, Lise and Zaenab, Siti and Pantiwati, Yuni and Sulistiarini, Dwi (2020) Pembelajaran Klasifikasi Kladogram Dengan Metode Taksimetri Untuk Mempelajari Kekerabatan Tanaman Genus Tillandsia & Neoregelia. JINOP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran), 6 (1). pp. 28-40. ISSN P-ISSN : 24431591 E-ISSN : 24600873

Hidayati, Dewi Arif and Husamah, H. and Fatmawati, Diani and Miharja, Fuad Jaya and Fauzi, Ahmad (2020) Exploration of Environmental Care Attitudes in Students Ar-Rohmah Islamic Boarding School Malang Based on the New Ecological Paradigm Instrument. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: E-Saintika, 4 (3). pp. 319-331.

Hidayaturrahman, Mohammad and Yanti, Fitri and Husamah, H. (2020) GOVERNMENT RESPONSE AND COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION OVERCOMING OUTBREAK AND MANAGING ITS IMPACT COVID-19. Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 13 (2). pp. 257-284.

Hindun, Iin and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Ghofar Candra Wicaksono, Azizul (2020) Metacognitive awareness components of high-academic ability students in biology hybrid learning: Profile and correlation. JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 6 (1). pp. 31-38. ISSN 2527-6204

Hindun, Iin and Wahyuni, Sri and Jaya Miharja, Fuad and Mashuri, M. and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Husamah, H. (2020) Upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran IPA di MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Jurnal Widya Laksana, 9 (1). pp. 56-65. ISSN 2549-6859 ; 1410-4369

Hindun, Iin and Wahyuni, Sri and Miharja, Fuad Jaya and Mashuri, M. and Nurwidodo, N. and Husamah, H. (2020) Upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran IPA di MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Jurnal Widya Laksana, 9 (1). pp. 57-65.

Husamah, H. and Miharja, Fuad Jaya and Hidayati, Dewi Arif (2020) Environmental Literacy of Islamic Boarding School Students: Study in MA Bilingual-Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. Prisma Sains : Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram, 8 (1). pp. 57-68.


Miftachul Hudha, Atok (2020) Model Pembelajaran OIDDE: Implementasi Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Bioetika. Discussion Paper. Penerbit Kota Tua, Malang.

Miharja, Fuad Jaya and Husamah, H. and Masrudi, M. (2020) Peningkatan Kapasitas Guru Sekolah Piloting dalam Lesson Study for Learning Community di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. SASAMBO: JURNAL ABDIMAS (JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE), 2 (3). pp. 134-142. ISSN 2686-519X


Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo (2020) The Environmental Education Sustainability at SMA Adiwiyata Malang. JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, 6 (6). pp. 205-215. ISSN 2581-4230

Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Amin, Mohamad and Ibrohim, I and Sueb, S. (2020) The Role of Eco-School Program (Adiwiyata) towards Environmental Literacy of High School Students. European Journal of Educational Research, 9 (3). pp. 1089-1103. ISSN 2165-8714

Nuryady, M. Mirza and Husamah, H. and Miharja, Fuad Jaya and Hindun, Iin and Patmawati, P. (2020) Desain dan Optimasi Primer Gen Pengkode MRPA Trypanosoma evansi dan Penerapan pada Pembelajaran Biologi Molekuler. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: E-Saintika, 4 (2). pp. 223-233.


Pantiwati, Yuni and Permana, Fendy Hardian and Kusniarti, Tuti (2020) The Relationship between Capability Dimension and Cognitive Dimension Ability of Grade VII Middle School Students. In: The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences Education (ICoMSE) 2019. Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education Research for the Challenge of Global Society, 2215 (1). AIP Publishing, Malang, Indonesia, 040010-1-040010-4. ISBN 978-0-7354-1968-1

Permana, Fendy Hardian and Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo and Chamisijatin, Lise and Zaenab, Siti and Pantiwati, Yuni and Sulistiarini, Dwi (2020) Pembelajaran Klasifikasi Kladogram Dengan Metode Taksimetri Untuk Mempelajari Kekerabatan Tanaman Genus Tillandsia & Neoregelia. JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran), 6 (1). pp. 28-40. ISSN P-ISSN 2443-1591 E-ISSN 2460-0873

Permana, Fendy Hardian and Setyawan, Dwi (2020) Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Model Flipped Classroom dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa melalui Lesson Study. In: Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IKIP Budi Utomo, Malang, Indonesia, pp. 223-228.

Prihanta, Wahyu and Ayu Irviandari, Facischa and Purwanti, Elly and Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir and Jaya Miharja, Fuad (2020) Contamination of Shrimp Pond Waste: The Impact on Macrozoobenthos Diversity. In: International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology (ICoLiST): AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings, Malang. ISBN E-ISSN: 0094243X P-ISSN: 15517616

Purwanti, Elly and Mahmudati, Nurul and Fuji Faradila, Sari and Ahmad, Fauzi (2020) Utilization of plants as traditional medicine for various diseases: Ethnobotany study in Sumenep, Indonesia. In: International Conference on Life Sciences and Technology (ICoLiST): AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Conference Proceedings, Malang, pp. 1-7. ISBN E-ISSN: 0094243X


Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir and Husamah, H. and Hadi, Samsun and Rofieq, Ainur and Wahyono, Poncojari (2020) Community structure, diversity, and distribution patterns of sea cucumber (Holothuroidea) in the coral reef area of Sapeken Islands, Sumenep Regency, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux, 13 (4). pp. 1795-1811. ISSN 1844-9166

Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir and Sukarsono, S. and Husamah, H. (2020) Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Ekologi. Laboratorium Biologi UMM.

Rahardjanto, Abdulkadir and Tosiyana, Veti Rizky and Husamah, H. and Miharja, Fuad Jaya (2020) Diversity of molluscs in the mangrove forest area of Cengkrong Beach-Trenggalek. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Publishing, pp. 1-7.

Ramdiah, Siti and Abidinsyah, A. and Royani, Mohammad and Husamah, H. and Fauzi, Ahmad (2020) South Kalimantan Local Wisdom-Based Biology Learning Model. European Journal of Educational Research, 9 (2). pp. 639-653. ISSN 2165-8714

Rofieq, Ainur and Miftachul Hudha, Atok and Ayu Augista, Elke and Fauzi, Ahmad (2020) The number of Escherichia coli on several flies from residential and landfill areas: Drosophila is the least! In: AIP Conference Proceedings. American Institute of Physics, America, pp. 1-6. ISBN ISSN : 1551-7616


Shavira, Risma Ayu and Husamah, H. and Fatmawati, Diani and Fauzi, Ahmad and Miharja, Fuad Jaya (2020) STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OF VEGETATION IN SESAOT PROTECTED FOREST NATURE TOURISM IN WEST LOMBOK-WEST NUSA TENGGARA. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 4 (2). pp. 89-105.

Sukarsono, Sukarsono and Arini, Tifani Nadia and Susetyarini, Rr. Eko and Wahyono, Poncojari and Miharjaa, Fuad Jaya (2020) Conservation-based Learning (CBL) model terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan Profesi Guru, 1 (1). pp. 21-28. ISSN P-ISSN : 2723-0066 E-ISSN : 2746-2455

Sumarsono, Puji and Inganah, Siti and Iswatiningsih, Daroe and Husamah, H. (2020) Belajar dan Pembelajaran di Era Milenial. UMM Press. (Submitted)

Susetyarini, Eko and Wahyuni, Sri and Kharoir, Islakhul and Husamah, H. and Setyawan, Dwi (2020) Influence of Erythrina crista-galli L. extract natural dye in plant histology staining. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Publishing, pp. 1-6.


Yayuk, Erna and Husamah, H. (2020) The Difficulties of Prospective Elementary School Teachers in Item Problem Solving for Mathematics: Polya’s Steps. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8 (1). pp. 361-368.


Zaine Alfiani, Lintang and Latifa, Roimil and Miftachul Hudha, Atok and Susetyarini, Rr. Eko and Husamah, H. (2020) Studi Kualitas Perairan berdasarkan Parameter Biologi, Fisika, dan Kimia di Aliran Mata Air Sumber Maron Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Malang (Sebagai sumber belajar biologi). In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional V 2019. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, pp. 61-66. ISBN 978-602-5699-83- 2

Zainuri, Ach. Muhib and Tundung, Subali Patma and Purwanti, Elly (2020) Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Kesehatan melalui Pemberdayaan Kelompok Sadar Wisata pada Masyarakat Kepulauan (Studi Kasus: Pulau Giliyang Kecamatan Dungkek Kabupaten Sumenep. JAST : Jurnal Aplikasi Sains dan Teknologi, 4 (1). pp. 26-37. ISSN 25487981

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